Report a Complaint


You can submit your complaint, in any way you wish, and the responsible Bank Officers will deal with it promptly, in order to ensure that you receive a reply about the issue concerned within a reasonable time frame.
The Compliance Department is responsible for coordinating and supervising the way in which complaints of Eurobank Cyprus’s customers and non-customers are handled.
In this way, it is ensured that the investigation and handling of the issue concerned is conducted with transparency, impartiality and objectivity and within the given time frame that we have set as a Bank.


For the best possible service, the complaint can be submitted in the following ways

Step 1

Via e-mail:

Please note that, for client identification purposes and the protection of personal data, any form of communication via e-mail must be conducted via the e-mail address that the customer has previously made known to the Bank either at the establishment of your cooperation with the Bank or at a later stage with a document that bears your signature, e.g. account opening documentation.
By telephone:
By speaking to a Bank officer or Head of the Banking Centre.
In writing:
In writing or by submitting the Complaint Form. The previous referred document can be also found at any of the Banking Centres of Eurobank Cyprus.
From our official website:
Through the Contact Us Page of the Bank’s Website by selecting as enquiry reason ‘’Make a Complaint’’.  
In person:
By personally visiting one of Eurobank Cyprus Banking Centres or Offices.
Complaints that are of urgent nature and require immediate attention, like a contested transaction or possible fraud, must be submitted in writing.
The Bank will communicate with you within three (3) working days to confirm that your complaint has been received and will respond within the below deadlines:
• Fifteen (15) working days for payment services related complaints under Payment Services Directive 2 (PSD2).
• Thirty (30) days for any other complaints [including personal data complaints under the General Data Protection Regulation and investment services related complaints].
If further time is required, the Bank will inform you accordingly along with the reasons and this procedure shall not exceed ninety (90) days from the date of receipt of the complaint.

Step 2
If following receipt of our reply, you wish a re-examination of the case, please inform the Bank in writing to the following address:
Eurobank Cyprus Ltd
Compliance Department
Head of the Compliance Department
28, Spyrou Kyprianou Avenue,1075 Nicosia, Cyprus
We will re-examine your case and we will reply within the set timeframe, as stated in Step 1.

Step 3
In the event that you are not satisfied with the reply you receive from the Bank and you are a physical person or legal entity or charitable organization or association or a society of persons or trust or provident fund and/or you meet any of the definitions of ‘consumer’ and/or criteria as indicated in the related legislation, you have the right to submit your complaint:
•    to the Financial Ombudsman of the Republic of Cyprus, in accordance with the Law Relating to the Establishment and Operation of a Single Agency for the out of Court Settlement of Disputes of Financial Nature of 2010 (L. 84(1)/2010) as applied, 
•     to a recognized Alternative Dispute Resolution Body, in accordance with the provisions on Alternative Dispute Resolution for Consumer Disputes Law of 2017 (L.85 (I)/2017) as applied.
For more information, you may visit the Financial Ombudsman’s website or the website of the Consumer Protection Service, Ministry of Energy, Commerce and Industry. 


Once the complaint has been received, the Bank will confirm the receipt of the complaint within the pre-mentioned timeframe and will indicate the expected timeframe within which the complaint will be dealt with.

For some cases that may require further investigation, the complainant shall be informed about the reasons for the delay while the complaint is being investigated, as well as the anticipated timeframe for the conclusion of the investigation. This procedure shall not exceed ninety (90) days from the date of receipt of the complaint. At the same time, the complainant may be asked for further information and supporting documentation that may be deemed necessary for a complete understanding and investigation of the complaint.

Following this, the Bank will take all necessary measures for the resolution of the complaint, in cooperation with other responsible units of the Bank, if deemed necessary.

The complainant is then informed about the outcome of his complaint.

Finally, please note that:
  • Communication with the complainant is carried out in the manner that the complaint has been received (e.g. by post, phone, via e-mail), unless a specific way of communication has been requested.

  • If the banking information involving the specific case is of a sensitive nature, the Bank’s response will be sent to the customer’s postal address or the e-mail address provided by the latter.

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    Privacy Policy of Eurobank Cyprus Website

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