Request for Account Opening with Eurobank Cyprus Ltd (the “Bank”)
I hereby request, confirm, agree, declare and assume that:
- I have carefully read, understood, accepted, expressly and unconditionally agree with and acknowledge acceptance of the General Terms Governing the Relationship between Customer-Bank [including but without limitation the Framework Contract, the Terms and Conditions of use of cards, the Terms and Conditions of use of the e-banking Service] (“the General Terms”), available at the banking centres and the Bank’s website, and any other supplementary agreement and/or terms and conditions relating to the specific products/services which by the present I am applying for or for which I may apply from time to time, by the content of which I shall be bound, and the Bank’s Cut-off Times Table, the Bank’s Table of Commissions and Charges , the Bank's Card Charges, Commissions and Interest Table, and the U-Banking Special Commissions and Charges Table (if and to the extent applicable) (the “Commissions and Charges Tables”), and
- Ι have carefully read and understood the content the Privacy Notice, which forms an integral part of the General Terms, regarding the processing of my personal data for the purposes of entering into and carrying out a business and/or contractual relationship with the Bank and of my rights in this respect. I understand that the aforesaid document is available at the banking centres and the Bank’s website I also hereby undertake to deliver and/or make available the Privacy Notice to any other relevant person who is a natural person and whose personal data were disclosed herein above and/or might be disclosed in the future and/or notify them of the Privacy Notice, without undue delay.
- The rules and general practice governing the maintenance and operation for such account(s) to which this mandate refers are fully understood and agreed by me.
- Opening and/or maintaining such account(s) with the Bank and carrying out business with the Bank is not prohibited or restricted by any law or regulation.
- This application and the information given herein, unless the Bank is otherwise notified in writing, shall apply both for my account which shall be opened following my today’s request and authorisation and any account or accounts which shall be opened from time to time in my name and/or jointly with any other person or persons at your Bank by giving to the Bank instructions either orally and/or in writing and/or any other electronic means (“my Accounts”).
- I further hereby irrevocably authorise the Bank to charge my Accounts with all transactions and fees resulting from the use of my Account(s), of electronic banking services and of the card(s), according to its effective from time to time, Commissions and Charges Tables without prior notice.
- In accordance to the provisions of the Administrative Cooperation in the field of taxation Law of 2012 (N.205 (I)/2012) as amended and/or replaced (the “Law”), I hereby acknowledge that:
- In the event I qualify as a Reportable Person (i.e. tax resident in a Reportable Jurisdiction) according to the Law, the Bank will be required/obliged to report my personal data to the Cyprus Tax Department, which will forward the data to the tax authorities of all countries where I am a resident for tax purposes, as identified by me and notified to the Bank. The information to be collected and reported in such a case, as provided in the Law, includes the name, address, Tax Identification Number, date and place of birth of each individual account holder, the account number, the account balance or value as of the end of the relevant calendar year or other appropriate reporting period, as well as any payments made with respect to the account during the calendar year or other appropriate reporting period.
- I undertake to respond to any request by the Bank for the purpose of the Law and to provide any requested information. Failure to respond within the prescribed timeframe may result in (incorrect or double) reporting of the account to the Cyprus Tax Department.
- With the present application, I request access to the Bank’s Digital Banking Services and acknowledge that my personal accounts, new and future, will be available through the Digital Banking Services with full access, for information and monetary transactions and in order to retrieve information, including account statements, for all of my bank accounts held with the Bank and/or receive notices and/or other information (including notifications and/or alerts and/or other optional information and/or informative notices and/or updates). I further authorise the Bank to send me via e-mail to the e-mail address and/or through short message service (SMS) to the mobile phone number, declared by me in this application form, my Digital Banking User ID and/or password and/or the One Time Password (OTP), where applicable.
- I acknowledge that I shall be solely responsible for the safety and confidentiality of all and any personalised security credentials (user ID(s) and password(s)). I further acknowledge that the Bank may consider that the personalised security credentials have been duly received by me and I declare that the Bank shall bear no responsibility for any damage suffered by me caused by the failure of receipt of any such personalised security credentials due to wrong email address and/or mobile telephone number or due to technical problem or due to any other reason whatsoever, except if such reason is solely attributed to the Bank.
- I further accept and expressly and unreservedly consent that the Bank, without any prior notice, may increase/decrease the limit of my access to the Bank’s Digital Banking Services.
- I further request the issuance of a Eurobank visa debit card in my name and accept and expressly and unreservedly consent that the Bank, without any prior notice, may increase/decrease the daily limit of my card(s) and/or terminate the use of the card(s).
- I also acknowledge and understand that the visa debit card may be dispatched to my attention with postal and/or courier service (if applicable) and thus, hereby authorise the Bank to charge and/or debit any of my Accounts with the costs and/or expenses of such mailing and/or courier service. I further acknowledge that the PIN of the card will be available through the Bank’s application, namely “Eurobank Cy Cards Authenticator” and that more information regarding the registration to the application can be found on the Bank’s website (
- I hereby authorise the Bank to send SMS messages (SMS Alerts) and/or other notifications to the mobile telephone number(s) declared by me in this application form, for the transactions resulting from the use of the card(s) and/or in order to provide me with notices and/or other alerts and/or updates. I undertake to immediately inform the Bank for any change in the said mobile telephone number(s). I understand that the said mobile telephone number(s) will also be used as contact number(s) in case of any suspicious transactions.
- I also understand that the Bank will provide me with the ERB Alerts service in order to be able to receive informative notices by text message (SMS) to the mobile phone number I have declared in the present application. I further acknowledge that the content of these alerts will be informative and will include, among others, transactional alerts.
- I also request that the contact details and/or personal data declared by me in the application form above, are used by the Bank for communication purposes in relation to my Accounts (including but not limited to confirming payment instructions) and the banking services. I undertake to inform the Bank promptly in writing and in any event not later than within 30 days, if there are any changes to my personal data and/or contact details, by providing the Bank with a suitably updated application form or other relevant documentation.
- I acknowledge that the Bank, during the assessment of my application and during my relationship with the Bank, may request additional information and/or documents for Know-Your-Customer (KYC) and due diligence and/or compliance purposes and to this end, I undertake to provide the Bank with any such information and/or documents.
- I declare that I fully understand my right to request and receive independent legal advice and to assess all the provisions of the General Terms and any other supplementary agreement and/or terms and conditions relating to the specific products/services which by the present I am applying for, with a lawyer of my choice.
- I lastly accept that the Bank may reject the present application (including but not limited to the application for the issuance of cards) at its absolute discretion and that in case of acceptance, I must visit one of the Bank’s banking centers in order to complete the account opening procedure.